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  1. Craze

    Craze Опытный складчик

    May 4, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Стоит EasyBlog - последняя версия
    Artio JoomSef - последняя версия
    вдруг перестала открываться главная страница блога. Выдает ошибку:
    Ошибка при загрузке компонента: com_user, Компонент не найден

    В меню выбрано - EasyBlog - главная страница (все записи из категорий). Типа новостная лента.
    Внутренние записи все работают. Открываются все внутренние страницы, как и до ошибки.
    в админке стоит Artio компонент. показывает наличие таких ссылок: http://take.ms/cpgYe
    удаляешь - работает. заходишь в запись, возвращаешься - главная слетает.
    что это может быть?
    com_user - такого компонента нет и не было. В Joomla 3 (последняя версия) есть com_users
  2. Artur

    Artur Тех. поддержка

    Dec 25, 2015
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    Чтоб как то помочь, надо посмотреть какие ошибки выдает сайт, для этого нужна, как минимум, ссылкы на сайт и доступ в админку
  3. Craze

    Craze Опытный складчик

    May 4, 2015
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    Тоже самое обнаружил и на втором сайте. Отключил в Joomsef управление easyblog и все показывается, только записи стали вида news/entry/16, это не очень хорошо. Могу дать доступ, чтобы посмотрели.
  4. user0179j1new16

    user0179j1new16 Cкладчик

    Jun 22, 2016
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    Артур, а есть доступ к форуму поддержки easyblog? У меня была тоже проблема после sef, в итоге она трансформировалась в другую проблему. Есть ссылка на такой вопрос на офиц форуме поддержки, но посмотреть без авторизации ответ нельзя. Можешь сазать как решать? https://stackideas.com/forums/cannot-publish-easyblog-post.Еще похожи: https://stackideas.com/forums/can-t-edit-posts-in-back-end, https://stackideas.com/forums/can-t-create-new-articles.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2016
  5. Artur

    Artur Тех. поддержка

    Dec 25, 2015
    Likes Received:

    по этой ветке
    It seems like the issue still persists when you purge the cache from Cloudflare server, can you try following method and see how it goes?

    1. Completely disable Cloudflare system temporary and see is it work.

    2. Try temporary disable this CloudFlare's Rocket Loader and see is it help.

    3. Try set your Cloudflare system to development mode and see is it help.

    Keep us update If above 3 method also can't work.

    Тут проблема в конфликте с каким то Cloudflare server - предлагается
    1 полностью отключить
    2 отключить CloudFlare's Rocket Loader
    3 переключит систему в состояние development

    если не твой случай пиши, посмотрю другие ветки
  6. user0179j1new16

    user0179j1new16 Cкладчик

    Jun 22, 2016
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  7. Artur

    Artur Тех. поддержка

    Dec 25, 2015
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    по этой ветке https://stackideas.com/forums/can-t-create-new-articles.

    Can't Create New Articles

    чел пишет, что не может создать новую статью на фронте сайта, после того как залогинился. при создании статьи ничего не происходит
    When logging into the front side of the website, and clicking on blog management (at top of website), and I try to create a new article, nothing happens.

    ответ -
    It seems like you have enable CDN from your Easyblog setting, to fix this you have to include these 2 script file into your CDN server.


    необходимо активировать CDN, чтоб исправить ошибку скриптов.
  8. Artur

    Artur Тех. поддержка

    Dec 25, 2015
    Likes Received:
    по этой ветке https://stackideas.com/forums/can-t-edit-posts-in-back-end

    Forum Post "Can't Edit Posts In Back End?"

    Hi David,
    Can you try temporary disable this `cloudflare-nginx` cache system from your cloudflare server? Because I noticed when open the composer, the page header response from your cloudflare server.
    Keep us update once you have done.

    I disabled it completely and then I could edit the post. I have since turned it back on for obvious reasons.
    I already have it set to bypass caching for the backend. I also tried to set it to development mode which bypasses cache for the whole site but that didn't work. The only thing that worked was pausing my account entirely.
    This is not feasible as it provides CDN caching, threat blocking, IP blocking, email address masking and a bunch of other security stuff.
    What can be done about this? This is the first time that I've had an issue using cloudflare with any software. Easyblog 3 was fine. So is EasySocial and JReviews.
    Thanks for your help.

    May i know after you did following instruction is it still facing the issue?

    1. Put your site in development mode to bypass Cloudflare servers
    2. Temporary disable the Cloudflare cache system
    3. Click Purge button
    4. After you purge it, try clear all of your browser and Joomla cache before you open composer and see is it work.

    Keep us update if your issue still persists.

    I did all of that but now I can't edit even when my clouldflare account is completely paused. It's paused right now if you want to check. Please let me know ASAP when I can re-activate it.

    It seems like when you paused completely, I can able to edit the post from backend.

    And I also noticed the ajax call didn't load from your cloudflare server.

    You can take a look of my video here : http://screencast.com/t/pClRrpwT3m44

    Yes I can see that and that is what I did this morning.

    But Arlex that is not a solution. I can't pause cloudflare and thus disable all of my page rules, redirects, caching, subdomains and security features every time I need to edit something.

    So what do I do?

    PS. I have now re-started cloudflare.

    Actually that is your Cloudflare server issue which messed up the Easyblog script when it load single script on the page.

    By the way, I've applied some fix in this file ->JoomlaFolder\administrator\components\com_easyblog\includes\configuration\configuration.php it should work fine now, you have to backup this file for your future update.



    как решение предлагает закомментировать указанные на скрине строчки
    по пути JoomlaFolder\administrator\components\com_easyblog\includes\configuration\configuration.php
  9. user0179j1new16

    user0179j1new16 Cкладчик

    Jun 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2016
  10. Artur

    Artur Тех. поддержка

    Dec 25, 2015
    Likes Received:
    вопрос - 1st problem: I can't edit posts on the frontpage. It does not save the changes. (не сохраняет страницы с фронта)

    2nd problem: I have Easyblog, EasyDiscuss, Easysocial, Komento, and K2 extensions. All of the unnecessary features are disabled. Most of the Jooomla core addons are disabled, too. My website is hosted on a dedicated server and the server is not overloaded, it is powerful. There is a server response time problem. It is not fast enough. There is always a few seconds delay, even on simple joomla-html pages. Can you please check this issue? [​IMG]

    I changed the theme, removed the ad banners, changed server but I could not able to fix the server response time problem so far. Why it does not instantly load my pages? [​IMG]

    The webserver is litespeed enterprise. PHP is compiled with xcache and memcache, but they did not help the problem either. [​IMG]

    (2 страницы открываются очень долго (даже простые ХТМЛ) )

    ответ - I suspect JCH Optimize isn't fully configured properly. You also have a bunch of stuff going on with Google and other domains. (JCH Optimize не сконфигурирован правильно. А также множество запросов от гугла и др доменов)

    Your mileage may vary, but I also prefer running JQuery locally. One less outbound request. (предлагает запустить JQuery локально )


    вопрос - This component is installed. Installation and open. (компонент JQuery установлен и работает правильно )

    Page quality is good. Slow response time.

    ответ -
    вопрос -
    Google JQuery Removed. (запросы от гугла удалил)

    далее идут скрины тестов консоли нагрузки на сервер

    совет от админ -

    Firstly thank you for supporting the project and the team. Now, back to your performance issues, this is my suggestions:

    My observations:

    1. I tried creating a test menu and just loading a single article, http://www.andronot.com/testing-menu . This page alone takes almost 2s to render. This is just bad.

    2. Most extensions would range from 500ms - 1 - 2s to render depending on the complexity of the extension. With these latency added to your plain joomla loading time, it'll result from 2 - 5s .

    My suggestions

    1. If your content changes frequently, do not cache. It's pointless.

    2. Turn off any unnecessary plugins. Especially jQuery Easy. I have seen their codes before and it is insane. I am not sure if their latest version is any better but previously they perform a search and replace throughout the WHOLE (ENTIRE) HTML structure of your site. Imagine if your page size is 2mb.

    3. http://take.ms/NSCER Do you really need that many templates? Seriously?

    4. PHP 7 Opcache is the way to go.

    5. If your server is not on SSD, it's not even a server. Throw it away.

    There are a huge load of improvements that could be done on your site but to be honest, this is beyond the scope of our support. Should you want us to spend countless hours helping you optimize your server and the site, please do reach us at https://crm.stackideas.com for a quote.

    By the way, I have created a sample test page for your review, http://www.andronot.com/testing-menu . With jQuery Easy (off) and using protostar template, your page load is only 400 - 500ms.

    потом чел затеявши тему говорит
    - K2
    - Roksprocket
    - Rokcommon
    - JQuery Easy
    - JHC Optimize

    Removed. Speed problem was solved (похерил выше указанные компоненты и проблема со скоростью )
    user0179j1new16 likes this.
  11. user0179j1new16

    user0179j1new16 Cкладчик

    Jun 22, 2016
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    В общем, проблему удалось решить. Спасибо за помощь, Артур. Проблема у меня оказалась в том, что установленный ранее плагин отключал один из скриптов из-за конфликта. В последнем твоем посте как раз про это поддержка пишет.
  12. Artur

    Artur Тех. поддержка

    Dec 25, 2015
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    Рад, что удалось решить проблему!